Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kumbaya Spirit of a Futilitarian Group

We were lucky that all our good intentions led to a kumbaya spirit that helped us quickly settle the church's business. Ranjan suddenly asked me, "Can you unsnarl the kite string, or do we need to cut it and add a new spool?". There is another way of looking at the problem which I hope Feigl will not regard as wholly futilitarian in character, although I am not sure that it solves anything. To Feigl's CHAGRIN, he's jobless. I expected Susan, the daughter of a multimillionaire, to be snobbish, but she was actually warm and friendly. I said to our group that the Calypsonian would use patois in ordinary social circumstances, but on stage, doing battle with other singers in the large Calypso tents, would use strictly regulated English. Ranjan had some different plans for the play at school. He said,"The clandestine sale of nuclear technology to Pakistan by China and other such nefarious activities is a matter of great concern for the international community.". Susan's aghast expression indicated she did not know about the accident. According to her, his doggerel verses were termed unsuitable for young children. Of all the marital vows that came asunder in 2008, none did so quite so loudly and with so much press coverage as those of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. His nervous gesticulations belied the confidence with which he spoke.

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